World Book Day Celebrations at RGS
This week at RGS, we have delved into the world of literature, celebrating World Book Day with several activities and events. From captivating author visits to brain-teasing challenges, we have embraced the magic of storytelling in creative ways.
Our World Book Day started with a special visit from Mr Matt Oldfield, author of ‘Ultimate Football Heroes’ and the ‘Johnny Ball: Football Genius’ series. Lower School pupils in Years Seven and Eight were treated to a presentation by the author, accompanied by a book signing. On Thursday afternoon Mr Oldfield also led a creative writing workshop.
Mrs Ellie Tustain, Library Supervisor said: “On Wednesday we were delighted to welcome Matt Oldfield to RGS Worcester for an engaging author event. His passion for storytelling and ability to empower young writers has certainly left an impression. Since the visit, his books have been in high demand, and we are delighted that his visit has inspired more students to read for pleasure.”
Lower School pupils put their literary knowledge and teamwork skills to the test in a World Book Day quiz. Teams of four from each form group competed, with the victorious team from Years Seven and Eight earning a well-deserved reward for their entire form to enjoy.
The ‘Finders Keepers’ challenge added an element of surprise as free books were hidden throughout the school, while the ‘Guess the Hearts in the Jar’ challenge encouraged pupils to estimate the number of hearts representing their favourite books displayed during our Valentine’s Day display.
Over in LitSoc, members embarked on a quest to uncover every teacher’s favourite book, ranging from Margaret Atwood to Zadie Smith. They were also treated to a fascinating talk by Miss Bone on a rather unconventional topic: bodily functions as metaphors in Shakespearean drama. The highlight of the day for LitSoc was creating literary characters out of potatoes, from Count Dracula to Harry Potter and enjoying literary-themed cupcakes.
Today, the excitement continued with the ‘Big Library Book Swap,’ a collaborative effort between the Library and the Environment Committee aimed at promoting sustainability. Pupils exchanged their pre-loved books, reducing paper waste and spreading the joy of reading. And for those eager to explore new literary adventures, free World Book Day books awaited in the Library.
We extend our thanks to everyone who participated and to the staff members who supported the World Book Day activities. We are delighted to see so many pupils, embracing the spirit of World Book Day and sharing a love for reading within our School.