Upper Sixth A-Level and BTEC Results Day 2021

RGS Worcester students ready for their bright futures
Upper Sixth Results Day – Tuesday 10 August
At RGS Worcester, we were delighted to see the pupils achieve such impressive results again this year. We enjoyed welcoming them into school for their results and there were smiles all round as the students celebrated.
Headmaster, John Pitt, said, “With Digital Learning firmly established at RGS before the pandemic, we were able to keep teaching right through and the students achieved superb results. This Year group built on their excellent GCSE results pre-pandemic, and are now ready for the next stage in their lives. They have done exceptionally well in coping and excelling academically during such a difficult 2 years of Covid. I would like to congratulate the students and the teachers for excellent results to match their hard work and commitment during the most challenging time. We are very proud of all they have achieved.”
Close to one third of Grades were at A* and nearly 70% of Grades were at A* or A Grade. 92% of Grades were awarded A*, A or B Grades. In the BTEC, all Grades were Distinction Stars, Distinctions or Merits, with 75% achieving the top Grades. Half of RGS students achieved 3 A* or A Grades or the BTEC equivalent.
12 pupils achieved the superb results of 3 or 4 A* Grades at A Level: Darcey Chambers, Alexander Coleman, Maximilian Eddy, Tom Ehlers, Max Houchin, Liam Leonard, Matthew Meeson, Oliver Meredith, William Osborne, Tess Rabjohn, Megan Wang and George Wareing.
In the BTEC, Distinction star Grades were achieved by Lottie Atkinson, Olivia Fletcher, Elodie Vinson and Flynn Vries. Olivia Fletcher also achieved a CTEC Distinction star in Business.
Amongst the students celebrating were Will Osborne who achieved 4A* Grades and a place to read Mathematics at Oxford University. Will is a national fencer, ranked 22nd in the whole country. Also, Liam Leonard achieved 4A* grades and a place to read Chemistry at Oxford University. Liam is one of the very best musicians in Worcestershire; he is a Grade 8 Double Bass and Diploma pianist, who won the Bromsgrove Music Festival in 2019. Fellow exceptional Diploma pianist, Megan Wang achieved 3A* grades and a Scholarship to Imperial College London to read Mechanical Engineering.
Unusually, there were four School Captains in this Year group and they achieved an incredible 9A* and 4A Grades between them. Zain Baig, Darcey Chambers, Eleni Coutsiouri and Tom Ehlers should all be congratulated for their results. “They have been such excellent role models for the younger pupils,” said the Headmaster, “and they have shown great leadership during the pandemic. They have done so much for the School in Debating, Drama, Music and Sport and we wish them and their fellow students all the very best for the future.”
Gurjivan Sohal joined RGS Worcester for Year 13 in order to improve his A Level grades and achieved 2A*s and an A grade, and has accepted a place to read Medicine at Keele University.
Ben Sutton who played Cricket for the England Disability team in the World Series before the pandemic achieved A*, A and B grades and is going to Loughborough University to study Mechanical Engineering, while continuing his cricket.
Twins James and Malachy Larkin achieved 7 A grades between them. James is going on to study Aeronautical Engineering at Sheffield University while Malachy is reading Civil Engineering at Newcastle University.
Twins Katie and Becky Saunders in the Lower Sixth both achieved A* Grades in Art A Level.
Head of Sixth Form, Mark Evetts, commented, “Despite all the challenges, the students have really come through and thoroughly deserve such excellent A Level and BTEC grades. I would like to thank them for all that they have brought to the Sixth Form.”
John Pitt, Headmaster, said “All of the students are real all-rounders. I am sure they will go far and we look forward to hearing more about their bright futures ahead.”