Mrs Nicholls and her Kitchen Adventurers
“Who would have thought a year ago that I would be cooking virtually with over forty pupils, every Thursday evening?” asks Mrs Nicholls, Head of Careers & Enrichment and Modern Foreign Languages Teacher.
“Each week with typical RGS camaraderie and community spirit, the RGS Cookery Club forgets about ‘lockdown’ and enjoys each other’s virtual company, for an hour and a half of cooking!
From macaroni cheese to full roast dinners and homemade flatbreads, we have even been known to throw caution to the wind and experiment with the famous Mr Jamie Oliver’s recipes. The RGS Cookery Club goes from strength to strength and, despite these strange times, our community of budding chefs create a happy virtual space, which I would not be without. I know that it provides a welcome weekly highlight for pupils and I hope that their kitchens remain intact after spending time creating their masterpieces!
No longer is the RGS Cookery Club the domain of Lower School pupils, but talented chefs are making an appearance from the Middle School and Sixth Form too, which is tremendous to see.
Providing my family with hearty and nutritious food has always been a passion of mine, and being able to pass on some simple but delicious recipes is fantastic. It has been a real pleasure to see the improvement in our budding chefs from April 2020 until now. Initially, pupils would want reassurance and were hesitant about weighing ingredients, but gradually confidence has grown and they have all made huge strides in their everyday cooking skills.
Every week I get an array of wonderful pictures of their scrumptious food and it makes me so proud of their achievements. I appreciate how daunting it can be having a creative teenager in the kitchen, but I honestly do feel we are equipping them with skills for life – long may it continue.”
Thank you Mrs Nicholls, and all the budding RGS chefs!
Mrs Sofia Nicholls
Head of Careers & Enrichment