House Drama Embraces ‘The Crazy World of Covid’
With the ‘lockdown’ continuing over Half term, the final House event of February was House Drama. Pupils, staff and their families were invited to write and perform either a monologue or duologue entitled ‘The Crazy World of Covid.’ All in all, we were presented with 15 different performances, all of which should be celebrated for their theatrical accomplishment. These performances ranged from monologues and duologues about online dating, crazy grandparents, teachers who struggle to adapt to virtual teaching, sibling arguments over face masks, and aliens observing earthlings! It was really pleasing to see a wide variety of performances, some reflecting the stark reality of the pandemic, whilst others took a more ‘Pythonesque’ approach.
Judge Supreme, Mrs Witcomb, commented that “Many of the films made me laugh, others go ‘ahhh!’ – it was a great effort from everyone!”
Special mention should go to Rose Savory’s direct to camera, Covid-stricken teacher who is still getting used to the functionality of Zoom, and Zara Martin-Green for her adaptation of ‘Alice in Wonderland’, discussing the use of cleaning materials with the White Rabbit.
Well done to all involved. Participants were marked in four categories: creativity, interpretation and appropriateness of the theme, use of theatre skills and use of design elements. With the results from each entry collated, the overall results are as follows:
Fourth place – Wylde with 30 points
Third place – Ottley with 48 points
Second place – Elgar with 63 points
First place – Whiteladies with 68 points
Mr Dan Morgan
Teacher of Drama
Senior House Leader