Exemplary Pupil Performances in Music Examinations
We are delighted to celebrate the incredible accomplishments of our talented RGS musicians, who recently demonstrated skill, dedication, and talent in the Music examinations held in December.
Year Nine pupil Finlay Hilton achieved a phenomenal milestone by securing Distinctions in not one but two Grade 8 exams within the same year. Following his Grade 8 Viola Distinction earlier in 2024, Finlay went on to achieve the same top-level Distinction in his Grade 8 Cello exam before Christmas – a truly impressive accomplishment for a Year Nine pupil.
Our December examinations also showcased the exceptional talents of Upper Sixth student Millie Young and Year Nine pupil Dylan Cornacchia, who both achieved the highest grade, Grade 8, on Piano.
In addition, all our Music examination entrants successfully passed their respective grades last term, with several pupils earning prestigious Distinctions.
These include Year Eight pupil William Morrissey (Grade 2 Violin), Year Seven pupil Freya Murphy (Grade 2 Flute), Year Eight pupil Immy Raxter (Grade 3 Flute) and Year Eleven pupil Jai Sanehi (Grade 7 Jazz Saxophone).
These achievements reflect the talent and hard work of our pupils and Sixth Form students, as well as the outstanding support provided by the RGS Music Department. Congratulations to all on their well-deserved successes!