Learn more about our House system
We are proud to be a part of a community and our House system is an important extension of our commitment to the benefits of ‘belonging’. In Year Seven all students are assigned to one of our four Houses; Whiteladies, Wylde, Elgar or Ottley. Each House member proudly display their House colour on their ties for boys or on a pin badge for girls.
there really is a place and a role for everyone within our house system.
Cups and Championships
A crucial part of the House system is the competition for the termly House Cups and, most importantly, the prestigious annual House Championship. The competition is designed to provide opportunities for all students across all areas of School life to represent their House at whatever they may excel in, enjoy or just bring their enthusiasm to.
Each House has a designated House Leader who has regular contact with their students throughout the year during events and in regular House assemblies. The House system also plays an important role in creating leadership opportunities for our Sixth Form and in ensuring that pupils develop positive relationships with other Year groups.