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Additional Care

Meeting pupils emotional and physical needs

Our aim is to assess and monitor the emotional and physical needs of pupils at RGS.

Health Centre

Our Health Centre is run by two fully qualified nurses, Miss Nikky Gill and Mrs Nicky Gardner, both of whom have experience of working in the NHS.

Our aim is to assess and monitor the emotional and physical needs of pupils at RGS.

Advice and guidance are offered with the purpose of ensuring that all pupils are treated as individuals. Working alongside the pastoral team, we provide an environment where pupils feel safe, secure and able to discuss any concerns they have.

We actively work with outside agencies, including the Coventry and Warwickshire Immunisation Team, in accordance with government guidelines. By being involved in the delivery of the PSHCE programme, we seek to share knowledge and educate pupils as they grow and develop. We ensure all staff remain up to date in terms of mandatory training, for example, by teaching the anaphylaxis course on an annual basis.

School Counsellors

From time to time, children and young people can become overwhelmed by the challenges that they face in life.  The physical, emotional and social pressures of growing up can be hard for some to navigate, and sadly, stressful life events also occur.

Counselling provides an opportunity for students to explore what is troubling them with a neutral person who is objective and non-judgemental. It enables young people to understand their situation a little better with the aim of developing coping strategies that improve their psychological strength, confidence and overall happiness.

Our school-based counsellors are Mrs Rachel Harling and Mrs Catherine Power. 

Mrs Harling is a Senior Accredited Counsellor and a specialist in child and adolescent mental health. She has worked extensively in this field in a variety of settings, including NHS, private practice and education.  Mrs Harling is in School Monday to Friday, inclusive, every week and can be contacted by email.

Mrs Power supports Mrs Harling in the provision we offer. Mrs Power is an Accredited Counsellor with many years of experience in working in different settings and she works at RGS Worcester on Mondays.

Our counselling team can support our pupils with:

  • Anxiety and stress
  • Lack of confidence / low self-esteem
  • Low mood and depression
  • Difficulties with anger
  • Regulating emotions and tolerating distress
  • Peer relations
  • Family Issues
  • Eating Disorders
  • Self-harm
  • Bereavement
  • Coping with physical illness

The Counselling service is a paid-for additional service that goes on the School Bill. If you would like to know more about the counselling service we offer and what it entails including cost per session, confidentiality and logistical information please contact Mrs Sofia Nicholls (Designated Safeguarding Lead) by email.


RGS provides relaxation sessions under the guidance of Mr Richard Willis for pupils who wish to learn some strategies for coping with stress and anxiety.

We offer weekly group sessions as well as courses of tailored one-to-one sessions for pupils. These sessions provide our young people with skills that are not only invaluable during their time at school but will help them during their future studies and beyond. Relaxation sessions are organised in consultation with the wider pastoral team and a pupil’s parents in order to ensure that the support in place for a pupil is co-ordinated and matched to their needs.

Therapy Dog

We have a Pets as Therapy Dog who visits our pupils on-site and is often in our Wellbeing area to offer a comforting space for our pupils.

Dedicated Wellbeing spaces for Pupils

Pupils have several safe spaces that can be accessed at different times of the day in order to support their positive mental health and wellbeing; these include a specialised Relaxation Room in the Health Centre, with two full-time registered Nurses, 1:1 counselling rooms, a fully supervised Welfare Room for lunchtime time-out, and the dedicated Wellbeing area in Whiteladies which is staffed by Mrs Nicholls and the Counselling Team.

Career preparation at RGS Worcester

"an extensive programme to assist pupils in choosing their career pathway."
“an extensive programme to assist pupils in choosing their career pathway.”
"Award-winning department organises the Annual Careers and Higher Education Expo.”
“Award-winning department organises the Annual Careers and Higher Education Expo.”

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