Open Morning at RGS Worcester
Open Morning at RGS Worcester is always enjoyed by pupils, staff and prospective families as it allows for visitors to tour the School with pupil guides and experience what life is like here. Whether a child has an interest in Sport, Music, Drama, Textiles, Design Technology, or an academic subject, whatever a child’s interests, the family is warmly welcomed and the Tour bespoke to match their needs.
This year, due to COVID-19, RGS Worcester has had to approach the Open Morning differently and we are offering pre-bookable Tours for Saturday 3 October to enable families of 5 or less to arrive and be safely toured around. Visitors will be shown the School by a member of staff and the tour will finish in our historic Eld Hall where they will have the opportunity to ask questions and watch a film. In order to enjoy the full Open Morning experience, we have put together a Virtual Open Morning Experience hub on our website, which has Frequently Asked Questions, a Welcome from the Headmaster, a facilities film about our excellent facilities and provision, and an interactive 360-degree Tour.
On the morning of the Open Morning this Saturday, we will publish this content to add to the virtual experience. Following this, we would ask you to make an appointment for a personal tour on a School day when you will be shown around the school with pupils on-site, enabling you to see the School in action.
You are always guaranteed a warm welcome here at RGS Worcester and we look forward to showing families our School in a safe way, but ensuring you receive the full experience. Our Registrar, Mrs Cathy Bates is available to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the application process.
To view the Virtual Experience, please click here and to make a personal tour appointment, please click here.
As a parent recently commented: “RGS Worcester is redefining outstanding education” and we welcome you to become part of the family; Our Family, Your family.
Mrs Sharon Dyer, Head of Admissions and Marketing