Movember Arrives at RGS
Most of you have probably heard of ‘The Secret Seven’ and of course there is ‘The Magnificent Seven’, then came ‘The Mustachioed Seven’…
With the aim of putting Movember on the map here at RGS Worcester this November, seven members of staff formed the ‘RGSW Fuzzy Lipsters’, with the aim to raise awareness and funds for the charity. The Movember charity focuses on issues surrounding men’s health, raising awareness and supporting research and treatment into male cancers and highlighting male mental health issues.
Starting with a fresh shave on Halloween, the challenge was to see who could cultivate the most impressive ‘tash’, as well as raising funds for this hugely worthwhile cause. As well as myself, others to join the cause, and with much more impressive bristles, were Mr Newport, Mr Webster, Mr Joyner, Mr Alexander, Mr Jones, Mr Tanner, Mr Manning, along with Mr Waldron and Mr Bradley from our Estates team. (This officially makes it ten, but in the world of cinema, theatre and literature, seven is a much better number!).
So far the ‘RGSW Fuzzy Lipsters’ have raised over £900 for Movember and donations can still be made via the RGSW Fuzzy Lipsters team Movember page.
A huge thanks must go to all who have shaved and grown, but especially those who have donated. Now as the weather grows colder, I for one will be urging the beard to return.
Mr Morgan
Teacher of Drama,Senior House Leader, Assistant Head of Year Eleven