Mass Testing: A Moment in RGS History
With news from the Government just under two weeks’ ago that schools could reopen, we have been busy behind the scenes at RGS Worcester, ensuring that the School is ready, to welcome pupils back safely on-site as soon as we are permitted to do so from Monday 8 March.
This week has seen the Mass Testing of pupils with all Year groups except those doing Mock Exams receiving their first Covid-19 test in School this week. Pupils are strongly encouraged to have one negative Covid-19 Lateral Flow Test before they return to school. They will then receive two further tests in School before being able to take test kits home to complete tests there. While many schools will start their Testing programme next week, at RGS we felt that it was important to try to get all of the pupils back on the first day and so we accelerated our Mass Testing programme to make sure all of the pupils completed their first test this week.
The Mass Testing Programme has been a huge task involving setting up efficient Testing protocols, and training staff to help with the administration and guiding and supporting pupils through the testing process. It has very much been an RGS team effort, with staff from different departments around the School offering their time and commitment, along with many generous offers of help and support from parent volunteers.
The Headmaster, John Pitt, said, “This has been an extraordinary event for the School and the staff and parent volunteers have worked so hard over the last two days to ensure all of the pupils have been tested. It was extremely impressive to see the care and support for the pupils as they completed their first tests and to get through so many in just two days is a huge achievement. This pandemic has been so challenging for everyone, but it has proved the great strength of the whole RGS community and it was so evident today with everyone working together to complete the remaining tests and ensure that the School is safe and ready for next week. Thank you everyone.”
There has also been much activity preparing classrooms, ensuring all staff are up-to-date with the latest guidelines, signposting one-way systems and making sure our lovely grounds are looking their best.
RGS has been remarkably quiet over the past few months and we very much look forward to seeing the pupils back on-site again, safely engaging in face-to-face lessons and enjoying catching up with teachers and friends.