Joining the RGS Family: New Parents’ Engagement Evenings
On the 12 and 13 September we welcomed new parents of Sixth Form and Year Seven pupils, as well as those joining other Year groups, for their New Parents’ Evenings.
Over the two evenings, introductory sessions were delivered by Mr Pitt – Headmaster, Mr Evetts – Head of Sixth Form and Mr Davis – Head of Year Seven. Parents also heard from Mr Jones – Director of Innovation, who presented the benefits of our Digital Learning Programme and specifically, how this supports traditional learning as a ‘blended’ approach.
Afterwards, parents were invited to meet in smaller groups, led by individual Form Tutors, to have an informal chat, share experiences and enjoy a glass of wine.
“We warmly welcome new parents to the RGS community, not just Year Seven and Lower Sixth, but across all Year groups. We understand joining a new school can be challenging for pupils, and parents too. The purpose of these New Parents’ Evenings is to ensure we support families with the transition and demonstrate all that RGS has to offer.”
Mr John Pitt – Headmaster
Mrs Griffith, Year Seven parent said, “Thank you so much for the information evening which we attended last night. The speeches were fantastic and so informative – it was great to learn more about how the digital learning programme works and we are excited to see it in action. The informal time with our daughter’s tutor was great, and it was really lovely to have the opportunity to meet with other parents of children in her form. The canapés were also delicious!
“We are so excited for our daughter’s future with RGS and are already convinced that we have made the right decision.”