Join the RGS Family – preparations for Open Morning 15 May
There has been much busyness and excitement around School this week, as RGS Worcester prepares to welcome prospective new pupils and their families, to our first in-person Open Morning of the year, this Saturday 15 May.
Our Open Days are always a highlight in the calendar, allowing us the opportunity to invite visitors to soak up the splendour of our beautiful School, see first-hand the amazing facilities onsite and discover more about school life here at RGS, from our team of enthusiastic and dedicated staff.
With Covid-19 restrictions still in place, and in order for us to manage visitor numbers and maintain social distancing measures throughout, this Saturday’s Open Morning is by appointment. We have been overwhelmed with bookings and, due to high demand, we are unable to offer any further tours this Saturday, but we are always happy to arrange for you to visit us on a normal school day, so please do get in touch with our Registrar, Mrs Cathy Bates by telephone, 01905 613391 or email
To view our Open Morning films, including a Welcome Speech from RGS Worcester Headmaster, John Pitt, current pupils speaking about their life at our RGS, as well as the opportunity to take a Virtual Tour of the School led by our School Captains – please click here.