From School Cricket to Lord’s Ground
At the end of the Cricket season Head of Cricket, Mr Philip Newport, nominated Lower Sixth student Tom Odell to be selected for the MCC Schools team. This team plays an annual fixture against the England Schools Cricket Association at Lord’s Cricket Ground. The team comprises school cricketers who have played against the MCC during the 2023 Cricket season, and whose names have been put forward by MCC Match Managers or by their schools. Tom achieved the selection from over 2,800 players since the MCC played against 280 schools.
The match took place last week on Friday 8 September and Tom, who is next year’s Cricket 1st XI Captain, told us about his experience.
The team met at Lord’s at 11.30 the day before and, after a short briefing, took part in a net session with the MCC Team Manager and Coaches. Players then stayed at the Danubius Hotel before having a tour of the historic Lord’s Ground, dining later in the Warner Stand in the evening.
The next day, Tom played in the fixture which was a great success with his team representing the MCC Schools winning against the England Schools Cricket Association.
Tom commented, “It was a great experience and privilege to play at Lord’s and to represent both RGS and the MCC in this special fixture. I really enjoyed training with, and playing against, a group of high quality cricketers. It was great way to round off a successful year of School Cricket and I can’t wait for next season to begin.”
Tom was also a part of the RGS Cricket team that won the RGS Schools’ Cricket Festival held at RGS Colchester during the last week of the Trinity term. Tom and the rest of the players have already set their sights on retaining the trophy next year.
The RGS community congratulates Tom on his achievement and wishes him every success in his Cricket journey.