Bugsy Malone Update
With the summer’s production of ‘Bugsy Malone’ due to take place in June, things had to be somewhat changed once the country went into ‘lockdown’.
Having only had one physical read through as a whole cast, Mr Morgan and Mrs Spencer used the Trinity term to continue online rehearsals via Google Meet to ensure that the Gangster Musical was blocked, with expert assistance from the then Lower Sixth and 10 Assistant Directors. The ambitious plan was for this production to take place this month to a live audience. When it was obvious that this would not be an option, Mrs Spencer and Mr Morgan had to come up with another plan.
We asked ourselves: ‘If the National Theatre can stream a summer of production, why don’t we do the same?’ In the Creative Arts Faculty, we pride ourselves on ambition, and this was just another one of those occasions. So, with Risk Assessments written and approved, and Mr Graeme working his Theatre Technician magic, we have spent the last few weeks filming aspects of the play where social distancing could be maintained, and Year group bubbles did not need to be crossed. We are now well into the process of creating a filmed adaptation of Alan Parker’s musical, which we are aiming to stream via the School’s YouTube channel later this term. More filming sessions are required and then comes the tricky task of editing it all together. The main hurdle, however, is that each National Theatre screening costs between £300,00 and £500,000 to produce. Our budget and technical abilities are somewhat different, but we do love a good challenge!
Mr Dan Morgan, Teacher of Drama, Senior House Leader and Assistant Head of Year Eleven