Autumn Activities at The RGS Worcester Family of Schools
Autumn has well and truly arrived at The RGS Worcester Family of Schools, and we have been enjoying a host of Autumnal festivities and activities.
At RGS Worcester, Year Seven pupils have been collecting generously donated food items and store cupboard essentials for Maggs Day Centre as part of our Harvest Festival. The autumnal activities will also continue at home over the Half term break as pupils are valuable House points. This year, pupils are being encouraged to have a ‘greener’ Halloween by cooking something with their pumpkin and, in doing so, they will earn extra House points. The Environment Committee has put together some resources and recipes for inspiration which can be found in pupils’ House Showbie folders. Our Autumn Music Concert will take place on Wednesday 8 November and we are looking forward to welcoming pupils and parents to this event.
At RGS Dodderhill, pupils welcomed Mrs Nikki Christie from the Droitwich Foodbank to their Harvest Festival. The Year Eleven pupils did a brilliant job of explaining the challenges of global warming leading to increased food prices. Pupils then reflected on the need to give to those less fortunate and be grateful for all that we have. Following on from their Harvest Festival assembly, the School Council representatives together with the Head Girls travelled to the Droitwich Foodbank to donate the items they had collected.
RGS Dodderhill also held their Prep Harvest celebration which featured some brilliant performances. From songs to poems, and with varied music performances including rap, parents enjoyed seeing the confidence, eloquence and talents of the pupils as they performed in front of a large audience. Reverend Laura from Droitwich Baptist Church encouraged pupils to consider the importance of thinking of others instead of focussing on what we have, saying: “If we clench our hands, we cannot give thanks or shake hands with our neighbours”- a lovely way of capturing the ethos of Harvest Festival.
RGS Springfield enjoyed celebrating Autumn with their Harvest assembly exploring the meaning of Harvest of the Earth as well as the Harvest of ourselves. They shared ideas about how we can look after each other as well as being thankful for the things we have. They were joined by Reverend Rich from All Saints Church who echoed the message of saying thank you. Seasonal fun continued all throughout this week with pupils encouraged to bring in Halloween decorations for judging and decorating the School for their Halloween Disco.
Pupils at RGS The Grange have been learning all about Autumn. In cookery, pupils made a delicious seasonal apple crumble! The younger pupils have been learning about animals we see in Autumn and made hedgehog biscuits. Pupils have also been on Autumn treasure walks looking for acorns, conkers and leaves, making leaf wreaths as well as embracing the sunshine with yoga outside.
Remember that as Autumn sets in, the clocks go back on Sunday 29 October and then we can all get pumpkin carving in preparation for Halloween on Tuesday 31 October. Have a lovely Half term holiday, everyone!
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