Building confidence and encouraging growth
Prep School at RGS covers Years Three to Year Six, and we have departments located in our Junior Schools; RGS The Grange in Worcester and RGS Dodderhill in Droitwich. RGS Prep Schools are committed to ensuring your child has a smooth journey into the next stage of their education by building confidence, self-esteem and a positive growth mindset.
cultivating a passion for learning through dynamic and captivating lessons designed to enrich educational experiences.
Prep School teaching and learning approaches
Our Prep School education inspires your child to cultivate a passion for learning through dynamic and captivating lessons designed to enrich their educational experience. Your child will develop a wider skill set with broader educational opportunities. They will move from a topic-based approach to more discrete specialist education.
In the Prep years, our curriculum seamlessly incorporates our Digital Learning Programme, which utilises iPads to engage pupils and complements traditional learning methods like handwriting. This provides your child with diverse tools that enhance their learning experiences and prepare them for the digital world.
Strong links with our Senior Schools mean your child can be extended and challenged via joint ventures and collaboration with older pupils and specialist teachers. This also readies them for the next stage of their journey at one of The RGS Senior Schools in Worcestershire.
“prep school pupils have highly developed study skills for their age and can analyse data and other material confidently across the curriculum”. – ISI inspection
Academic growth in Prep School
In the lower years of Prep, your child’s core subjects are primarily delivered by class teachers as they transition from a topic approach to more discrete specialist lessons. Your child will be taught Sports, Music, French, C&IT, PE and Games by specialist teachers who really inspire and foster a passion in these areas.
From Year Four, your child will have their own iPad to allow full involvement in our Digital Learning Programme, which develops literacy and numeracy skills alongside traditional educational practices.
As your child progresses through Year Five and Year Six, now is the time for challenge and academic growth. We encourage children to strive for high academic success and stretch and support them every step of the way. Whether your child tends towards the Sciences, English and Maths or prefers the more creative aspects of Art, Music or performance, our aim is to ensure your child experiences the virtuous circle of achievement and motivation.
we encourage children to strive for high academic success and stretch and support them every step of the way.
Individual support for every child
Throughout Prep School, our class sizes remain small to allow teachers to give the highest level of individual support to your child. Class teachers provide an excellent level of teaching for core subjects, and specialist teachers are provided to teach many subjects, including French, Music, PE and Swimming.
Our dedicated and experienced teachers work closely with each child, providing personalised attention and guidance to help them overcome challenges and reach their goals. We also offer a range of additional support services, including one-on-one tutoring, study skills workshops, and counselling services, to ensure that students have all the resources on hand that they need to succeed. Through our commitment to individual pupil support, we aim to create a positive and nurturing learning environment that empowers every child to achieve their best.
We prioritise the happiness of our students because we believe that a happy child is more likely to reach their full potential. To achieve this, we place a strong emphasis on pastoral care and make it the foundation of everything we do. Our aim is to provide a nurturing, supportive, and individualised environment in which every pupil feels understood and valued.
we encourage children to strive for high academic success and stretch and support them every step of the way.
Preparation for Senior School
The majority of RGS Prep School students progress to RGS Worcester, our Senior School in Worcester, in Year Seven, while girls also have the option of attending RGS Dodderhill Senior School.
Moving from Prep School to Senior School can be a thrilling experience, as it offers greater independence and endless possibilities, including new teachers, subjects, and friends. However, some students may find this transition intimidating. To ease this process, throughout their years at Junior School, students regularly collaborate with their peers from other RGS Prep Schools, participating together in events related to music, art, and sports, fostering friendships and bonds prior to transitioning to Senior School.
In Year Six, we implement additional measures for our pupils to ensure a smooth transition to Senior School. Our goal is for your child to feel like a part of the Senior School community before they leave their Junior School. As a result, when it’s time to move on to Senior School, your child will be emotionally and academically prepared for the next phase of their educational journey. More about RGS Senior Schools in Worcestershire.