RGS Swimmers Make a Splash: Success at County Championships and Beyond
Mr Stuart Davis, Head of Swimming, provides an overview of recent Swimming successes for the Swimming Academy at RGS Worcester:
“Congratulations to the RGS swimmers who competed in the County Swimming Championships prior to Half term. Many of our swimmers achieved the qualifying times to race at these events and particularly well done to those who achieved medals and cups. Following on from our success at the ESSA National Finals prior to Christmas, and hard work in the RGS Swimming Academy with expert coaches Mark Hill and Jon Fletcher, our pupils represented their clubs with great success.
Friday 1 March was another busy day for our swimmers, and we started the morning with a visit from sports psychologist and RGS parent, Dr Geoff Lovell. Dr Lovell works with Australian and Great British Olympians and provided our pupils with some insight as to what it takes to reach the top in sport. His inspiring assembly gave our pupils some excellent advice for them to take onboard to enable them to achieve success and maximise their performance. All of the pupils from our Athlete Development Programme also joined the assembly and were able to take away tips to transfer to their sports. We would like to thank Dr Lovell for taking time out of his busy schedule to support our pupils on their sporting journey.
Following on from the assembly, the RGS swimmers were soon able to put the advice they had received that morning into practice later the same day in the Droitwich and Worcester City Secondary Swimming Gala at Perdiswell Leisure Centre. With our Academy coaches poolside giving technical advice and times, our swimmers performed exceptionally well. One important aspect was ensuring that we had available to compete the complete team of twenty-four swimmers, which most other teams were not able to do. This, combined with the individual performances of our swimmers, meant that RGS came 1st in the Gala and won the trophy.
The success demonstrates the achievements of the RGS Swimming Academy as we moved from 3rd in this competition last year, to now achieving 1st place. Very well done to our swimmers!”
Mr Stuart Davis, Head of Swimming