Teaching the Future: Code Club creates a new reality
The Lower School Code Club have been having fun this term, using their iPads to create their own 3D landscapes, using virtual and augmented reality systems.
Affiliated with the national Code Club initiative through the Raspberry Pi Foundation, the club has nurtured pupils’ interest in learning how to develop skills in computer programming, using industry standard techniques and software that is freely available for all.
During this Half term, Club participants have been challenged to engage in a series of collaborative programmes linked to cyber security, including coding a range of hardware devices. Projects have seamlessly linked with other areas of the curriculum and a recent highlight has seen pupils exploring how to create their own 3D landscapes through virtual reality and augmented reality using their iPads.
Head of Computing & IT, Mr Andrew Webster, explains: “Our Code Club continues to go from strength-to-strength, with record numbers of pupils enjoying developing their programming knowledge and skills. The enthusiasm from Club members continues to amaze, and the projects they have completed are both creative and technically brilliant! The benefits of coding for pupils are vast, as it intrinsically becomes a part of everyday life. Our pupils develop their understanding of how computer technology works, whilst creating and problem solving a range of real-life scenarios.”