‘Out of Africa’ Performance
In light of the nation shutting down, a lot of life-enhancing activities have been brought to a halt and experiences that bring us happiness, in the very moment we need them most, cancelled. This is nowhere more evident than in the Music Department where pupils from all four schools had put in hours of preparation for the ‘Out of Africa’ Choral Concert performance due to be held in Worcester Cathedral in March.
It was a bitter blow for all who had put so much time and energy into the concert. In particular, there was a specific piece, a combination of two South African songs ‘Shosholoza’ and ‘Siyahmaba’ arranged for RGS musicians by Jonathan Soman (Director of Music) and Mike Adlington (Brass Teacher). However, as the saying goes, the ‘show must go on’ and so it was decided to find a way to create a digital version. Each artist videoed themselves performing their part at home, with 65 singers and members of the RGSW Big Band contributing to create pitch-perfect performances. These were meticulously combined into an online film that comes very close to the majesty of the originally planned performance. You can watch the final film here. We hope you enjoy seeing our community coming together in total harmony even under these circumstances.