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Supporting our Community

At RGS The Grange, we regularly come together to support a wide range of charities. We participate in big national events, such as Children in Need and Red Nose Day, support smaller local charities for the homeless or prematurely born, and even sponsor a South African child to help with education costs.

Just as important as the funds we raise is the ability your child gains to walk in another’s shoes. As well as empathy and kindness, we hope to engender an understanding of why these charities exist in a modern world and a sense of the responsibility that comes with privilege. 

Your child might donate money to wear home clothes for the day, enjoy cake sales or secure sponsorship for events such as running a mile, walking a set distance or even shaving off teachers’ beards and moustaches. In participating and collaborating, your child will gain a sense of belonging to something bigger than oneself and feel collective pride in a team effort.

As your child progresses through school, you’ll notice that the children take more responsibility for the organisation and running of these community events. Your child might run an assembly on the charity or write to parents in the weekly newsletter outlining the choice of charity and the details behind it. They might find themselves collecting money and calculating the amount raised.

As part of our outreach programme, your child will also be able to visit local care homes and collaborate with local primary and first schools on initiatives that benefit children’s all-round education experience.

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